
Our very first foster child was a little gray, white, and black tabby. She was only two months old. We fostered her from November 21 to November 29th, 2002. Eight short days. But that was plenty long enough to become quite acquainted with her frisky personality. We named her Clarice Foster. (One of the jobs of the foster parent is to come up with an appropriate name for the critter, or critters, whatever the case may be!)

She had a minor Upper Respiratory Infection (URI), which required us to apply drops to her eyes three times a day. (Another job of the foster parent - give medications to the sick, which is why they are a foster in the first place!)

Clarice Foster, pretending to be a little angel

Clarice Foster, ready to attack

Suebob's Foster Home

Wisconsin Humane Society


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Last Updated August 2005 - Latest update Nov 2021